I’m new at this whole mom thing but I thought since our little sweet pea just turned 3 months old (can’t believe it has been that long already…) I want share what products we truly haven’t been able to live without since we brought her home. When I was pregnant I asked friends and scoured the internet looking for lists, videos, basically anything I could find that told me something about the products other new moms were using. It helped to hear which ones worked for them and which ones they wish they would never have purchased. I know every baby is different and what works for us might not work for you but here is what I am loving so far!
New Mom Must-Haves
Maxi Cosi Mico 30 Infant Car Seat – The major thing I looked for in a car seat was that it needed to be super lightweight. I haven’t tried a ton of other car seats to compare but I really like this one. It is easy to carry and get in and out of the car. I also use it with our stroller as a travel system which makes running to the store or Target much easier. You just click and go! The other reason I purchased this car seat was that it is compatible with the stroller we bought without completely breaking the bank. Here are the adaptors you need for the UPPABaby Stroller.
UPPABaby Cruz – I searched long and hard for a stroller that would work for us. Living in the Bay Area I wanted a stroller that was not super heavy, but one I could take on public transit into the city for a long day. This stroller has been everywhere with us and I can’t say enough good things about it. The storage is fantastic for running errands and it moves like a dream. I went around trying other strollers in the stores and would always come back to this one because it feels so well made. Another amazing thing I found out about this stroller after purchasing it was that UPPABaby has a travel bag you can buy. Once you buy the bag you can register it and any damage caused by air travel UPPABaby will take care of. I thought that was super awesome!
Graco Little Lounger Rocking Seat Plus Vibrating Lounger – I never purchased a bassinet because I had this little amazing rocker. We use it almost every day. This lounger is super lightweight and easy to move from room to room. It also folds for easy storage. Elise likes to take naps and hang out in it while I get a few things done around our apartment. The lounger has these cute stars that hang from the top and when she kicks she can move them, it keeps her entertained long enough for me to hop in the shower real quick. For a while, she was sleeping in it at night instead of her crib when she was really congested because you can elevate the head so she could breath easier. She even slept in it the first night we were home from the hospital in our room.
Skip Hop Vibrant Village Smart Lights Activity Gym – Elise loves this activity gym! When I searched for one before she was born I honestly picked it based on the colors it was and how cute I thought it looked. It truly has been one of the best purchases I made. The lights in the arches keep her busy playing and she loves the sounds. It also comes with a soft tummy time pillow. She has loved it since day one and I’m so glad we have it for her.

Fisher-Price Sweet Snugapuppy Dreams Cradle ‘n Swing – There are a lot of swings on the market but when it came to cost we decided on this one. The cool thing about this swing is it has three different directions your baby can swing in it. You can have it face forward for it to swing side to side or you can turn it left or right so it mimics being rocked in your arms. The only con is it is quite large but other than that it does everything you need. Elise likes to hang out in it when I workout and will also take naps in it.
DockATot Deluxe – I love the DockATot for a few different reasons. Elise lounges in it while I get a few things done around our apartment (I have had it on the floor while I’m in the bathroom, on our couch and bed), I can move it easily from room to room, we use it for tummy time and she also likes to take supervised naps in it sometimes. I was glad we purchased it and I plan on taking it with us when we travel. It’s just the ultimate baby lounger.
Blooming Bath – This cute plush flower is the perfect size for our apartment kitchen sink. Elise absolutely loves bath time and she enjoys sitting in this comfy blooming flower. Not only is it cute but it’s super soft and it protects her tiny little head from the hard sink. To make things even easier the Blooming Bath is machine washable and has a handle on the bottom of it so you can hang it to dry.
Boppy Pillow – We use this every day! Elise likes to sit in it while looking around and she uses it for tummy time some days. I used it a lot, in the beginning, to help me nurse. My husband claims it’s the best neck pillow of all time, he got some good use out of it while we were in the hospital waiting for Elise to make her debut. She uses it first thing in the morning when we are hanging out on the couch chatting and at night when the hubby comes home from work and hangs out with her. When she was really tiny and just home from the hospital I would let her lounge in it under the playmat to look at the lights.

Aden + Anais Swaddles – People weren’t kidding when they said these swaddle blankets are super useful. They make their way into almost all the rooms in our apartment. I use them on the floor when Elise is doing tummy time, to keep her warm in her car seat, to cover her stroller if the sun is super bright, on our couch when she hangs out with me, and as a burp cloth if I need one and don’t have our other ones handy. When she first came home I used them to swaddle her, the uses are endless!
Halo SleepSack – Elise started using the sleep sack I think around the second week we were home. She was breaking out of the blankets we were swaddling her in so we moved her to one of these and she has done well ever since. She has never really liked to have her arms swaddled and her startle reflex never bothered her enough to wake her at night so I have always used the sleep sacks with her arms free. I know this doesn’t work for some but she was sleeping like a champ so we just let her do her thing. These sacks are great and keep her warm at night while she catches her beauty sleep.
Baby Bjorn Carrier – I love this carrier for right now. It is good for babies up to 25 lbs. I recently made a trip back to Omaha to visit family. I was flying solo with Elise and this carrier made my trip super smooth through the airports. It is easy to use, with just a few clicks you have your little one on you securely and you don’t need anyone else’s help. I was able to get through security, use the bathroom (ya I said that right, you do what you have to do when you’re alone :)), and take her in and out when I needed to all by myself. My husband and I have also used it for trips to the store or when we don’t really want to use the stroller. I highly recommend it!
Halvo Diaper Bag Backpack – I wanted a diaper bag that was a backpack so that my hands were free, budget friendly and something my husband would carry as well. This bag was the perfect choice for us. The inside is super spacious containing 4 different pockets you can put your diapers, burp clothes and other essentials in. It has an insulated front pouch for bottles, practical side pouches for wipes and other things you want as easy access. The coolest thing about this backpack is the back zipper allows you access to the bottom of the bag without having to open the top. I’m also a big fan of the color but if grey isn’t your thing it comes in 8 other colors!

What are your new mom must-haves? Also if you have any questions about any of the products I mentioned just let me know. I would love to here from you!