We are so excited to tell you we are expecting baby #2 due this September! I’m glad to be out of the first trimester, but man has the nausea been kicking my butt lately. Any other mamas to be out there dealing with this??? I’m so excited to be pregnant, but being sick a lot has been a little tough especially chasing around a toddler. I do see adding to our family as such a blessing though so I’m just taking it day by day.
Life has been a little crazy for us since the beginning of October when we moved from the Bay Area to Minneapolis for 2 months. Now we have been in Houston, TX since the beginning of January. I still currently don’t know exactly where I’m going to have the baby, but we are just trusting God right now to have us in the right spot. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions all of you have been asking!
Pregnancy Q & A with Carly:
How did you tell Esai?
Funny story we were in the process of moving from Minnesota to Texas when I was just super emotional, way more than usual. I have moved a bunch and usually don’t feel as crazy as I did, but I could cry on command. I chalked it off to the fact that we had just celebrated Elise’s first birthday, we didn’t have a home base and we had just celebrated the New Year. I was late and I’m never late unless I’m super stressed or well pregnant. haha. I took a test one morning when Esai was at work thinking it wouldn’t be positive. Boy was I wrong. I told him as soon as he got home from work.
What has been the most challenging about this pregnancy?
The nausea has been super intense. It was intense with Elise, but it feels a little worse this time around. It started around week 7 and it still lingers a few times a week. I’m almost 20 weeks. Add a toddler and some days are just not that easy but I rest when I can.
Any pregnancy workouts you’re loving?
When I was pregnant with Elise is was harder for me to workout especially in the beginning, but this time around I have been able to be more active. It has helped my nausea a lot. I have been loving these online workouts from Popsugar, barre workouts, and yoga.
Are you going to find out what you’re having?
Yes, we are this time around! Very very soon in fact!
How much weight have you gained?
I started out this pregnancy 4lbs heavier than I was with Elise. So far I have gained 4 lbs in the first trimester. Now that I’m 19 weeks I have gained around 8 lbs.
What pregnancy skincare products are you loving?
I have been slathering coconut and almond oil all over my belly and legs to prevent stretch marks.
Any weird pregnancy cravings/aversions?
Not really any crazy cravings, but I can’t eat a lot of sugar (like candy or ice cream) or I get the absolutely worse headache. So I have been steering clear of that.
Will you share more pregnancy posts on Vivian & Violet?
Yes of course! I’m excited to share all things fashion and anything else I can think of pregnancy related with all of you in the next coming months!
I’m so excited to share this new journey with all of you! Let me know if you have any other questions. More pregnancy geared posts to come!
Are you an expecting mama?? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!

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